Somerset County 200 Club
About Us
The 200 Club of Somerset County is a non-profit group of residents and businesses in Somerset County with a deep concern for the welfare of over five thousand Police Officers, Fire Fighters, Rescue Squad members and New Jersey State Police who protect our families and our property, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, year after year.
While there is always more that can be done, there is no doubt that we are making a significant impact. We don’t measure our success through just facts and figures, but through happy faces and heartwarming feedback. See how you can become part of the difference.
200 Club of Somerset County, New Jersey
Who we are:
Our Club is one of more than ninety-two clubs in the nation and nineteen in New Jersey. Other clubs in New Jersey include Essex, Union, Morris, Middlesex, Ocean, Monmouth, Mercer, Hunterdon, Warren, Hudson, Sussex, Bergen, Cape May, Atlantic, Burlington and Camden County.
To render necessary financial assistance to the widows, children and families who are left with little or no support when a Police Officer, Fire Fighter, Rescue Squad member, or State Trooper is seriously injured or loses their life in the line of duty. Collectively we can, and must, fulfill our obligation to these fine people. In thirty-two years of existence, our 200 Club has helped the families of numerous public servants.
Why get involved?
Please take a moment to think what it would be like without our local Police Officer ... without our Fire Fighter ... without our Rescue Squad members ... and without our State Troopers. The question answers itself.
What can you do?
Join us. Join us in assisting the families of these servants who have given the last full measure in the line of duty. Join us in our efforts to cooperate with the state, county and municipal bodies in their quest to prevent further casualties. Join us in expanding our organization, to better aid these deserving public servants.
The 200 Club of Somerset County depends entirely on the public spirited, civic minded citizens to make the program financially possible. Follow the link for a membership application